Collection: Bottle Stoppers
The bottle stoppers we supply are made of 404 food grade stainless steel. The O-Rings are high grade silicon rubber and are set in place via heat. Bottle stoppers are made in such a way that the stainless stopper can be unscrewed from the wood or acrylic turning. This additional effort in the way we make our bottle stoppers, combined with the high grade stoppers, allows the end user to separate the decorative yet functional turning from the stopper base. This functionality allows the owner to drop the stopper in the basket of the dishwasher for super easy cleaning.
The standard three ring bottle stopper fits most standard bottles including but not limited to: wine bottles, olive oil bottles, and bath soap bottles. For a small additional fee the buyer can choose a four ring of 5 ring model that adds additional sizes of bottles that the stopper will successfully seal. The four and five ring versions are shaped and sized to specifically be able to seal many liquor bottles.